Nutrients For The Soul,  Think Wellness

Quarantine Recipe – Rasta Pasta

Homemade Rasta Pasta Recipe 




  • Penne Pasta 
  • 1 Red and 1 Green Peppers
  • ½ Onion and ½  red onion
  • Cheese (eyeball it)
  • 1 can of Coconut Milk 
  • Jerk Seasoning 
  • Salt 
  • Pepper
  • Oregano
  • Chilli Lime Powder
  • Garlic 4 cloves

Follow instructions on Penne Pasta Box 

Chop red and green peppers (orange and yellow onions optional), onions, and garlic

In a large saucepan, add oil. Add the onions, garlic. Wait a few minutes then add the red and green peppers and the rest of the desired vegetables. Saute the vegetables on medium low heat

Add coconut milk. Stir for a minute then add cheese and jerk seasoning, then oregano, garlic seasoning among other seasonings. You wanna add enough cheese so that it’s like a sauce, not thick, but not watery 

Add ¼ cup of the pasta water and stir (You do this so the pasta isn’t dry)

Gradually add the pasta. Don’t put all of the pasta in at once! Pour in ⅓ of the pasta at time so all of the noodles absorb all of that flavor goodness

“Fold” the pasta into the sauce using a big spoon or spatula